Adarsh VidyaMandir School!
It’s Important today for the tomorrow that’s coming.

Principal's Message
Straight From Principal's Desk
You have chosen a great time to be a student at AVM. You will be working with world-class faculties dedicated to helping you get the most out of you.
What are the Facilities We Offer?
The NCC is the largest uniformed youth organization. Its motto is ‘Unity and Discipline’.
E-Resource Center
E-Resource center in the college is equipped with 15 computers , Printers and Internet. Our Resource center provides the access to a wide range of e-journals and e-books.
Medical Facility
To ensure the best of physical and mental health of students as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, the College provides medical facility too, if urgently required.
Common Room
The girls’ common room has seating capacity of 50 students with big tables & chairs all around. Comfortable furniture is provided to relax during the free periods.
Sports & Fitness
Sports and fitness activities are an integral component of AVM School. At AVM, sports form one of the important aspects of a student’s development.
Canteen has a big kitchen and kitchen staff takes extra care to provide the students and staff with nutritious and hygienic food.
Government's Guidelines for Schools in COVID-19
Take Steps to Protect Yourself!
It’s extremely important that we all understand what we’re going through. If we follow all the guidelines released by the Government of India & the WHO in favour of Humanity then only we can hope for a better future.
Cover Cough & Sneezes
Cover your face while coughing & Sneezing in public & private places both.
Wear a Facemask
Wearing Facemask is mandatory to protect yourself and others from the deadly Coronavirus.
Clean & Disinfectant
From time-to-time clean your hands using the Sanitizer.